
4.0 ( 5090 ratings )
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Developer: MarcoDeveloper
0.99 USD

Have you ever wondered:
"Where I left my car this morning around the station?" Or "Where is that so good restaurant near here that my friend has talked me about ? "

FunnyRadar is a nice gadget for storing, viewing on map, managing and searching your “own” points of interest - the “hot points”! You can share them with your friends. At any time you can see the hot points around you within 10 Km! An hot point is the location of whatever is important for you: a bakery, a restaurant, a beautiful and hidden place in your town ... or where you parked the car around the station before catching the train!

When you want to share one, some or all your hot points with your friends, just plug in yours bluetooth and send the list of the selected points. Its so possible to discover places around you that you didnt know, inserted into FunnyRadar by your friends or friends of your friends. The number of “tam tam” between friends is indicated by the "Degree of distance": if this is 1, that point has been inserted by your friend, if it is equal to 2, means that point has inserted by a friend of your friend, and so on ... So you can consider what is "riliable" for your tastes the evaluation included; because whats good for everybody, maybe is good for you or not. But whats good for your friends, is probably good for you too.

With FunnyRadar you can also send your geographic location via SMS to your friends. All that remains is to enter in this new community. Have fun!

Note: location data may not be accurate.